“Kid Kitchen is amazing! As a former teacher, I found the lessons to be educational, engaging, developmentally appropriate, and hands on. As a parent, my child tried so many vegetables that he had refused at home! Would definitely recommend.”
— Laura B.
“After Kid Kitchen my child was excited not only to eat vegetables but also to help prepare them. it’s been so fun to watch his curiosity about veggies grow!”
— Kate T.
“My daughter was not one for vegetables but with the help of Kid Kitchen she got to explore alongside friends which gave her confidence to try new ones.”
— Joanne B.
“My kid used to be a curious eater but then went into pasta-pizza mode. Kid Kitchen step-by-step opened up her senses and made her excited again about vegetables and trying food in general. “Let me smell this,” she started demanding at the dinner table and before we knew it, clams, capers, pickles, and tomatoes were back on her menu. Watching her try and explore new foods, I discovered a new appreciation and curiosity as well. I wish Kid Kitchen could be at every kid’s school!”
— Marie M.